Thursday, July 3, 2014

Freedom Jars

"Is it fireworks season yet?"

I've been asking Man-Hands this question for literally a month and a half. I love fireworks. And unfortunately I don't really get fireworks down here in Central Illinois. I found this out the hard way - fireworks only come on (and the days surrounding) 4th of July. What an awful thought! When I lived in the suburbs of Chicago, I used to watch fireworks from the edge of my townhome complex every Friday night when they would burst in vibrant color over the baseball stadium. Loud pops of color would shoot through the night sky in blues, reds, purples, and the shimmery ones that crackled as they came down were my favorite! This week on Cooking Class Hero, we decided that we would be remiss if we didn't do something patriotic. I decided to make something reminiscent of those fireworks that remind me of home. The brilliant colors bring to life everything I miss about summers back home and bring promises of all the wonderful memories I plan to make in the firework-less town I now call home :)

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